Friday, September 29, 2017

Talking to Men About Their Health

Women: Help your men improve their health! If you are a man and reading this post, do some soul searching and keep reading. You might end up healthier in the long run. In addition, you might end up impressing the women in your life for being in tune with "healthy living." She will appreciate your efforts.

I being a woman, I am more inclined to fix health problems. Men seem to be more inclined to fix whatever is wrong around the house or in their environment. They seem to be more ready to tackle problems "outside of themselves" than women, who seem to be more ready to tackle health related problems or the taking care of human beings in general. There are exceptions to this "seem to be rule."

This may account for the statistics related to men's health which tell us heart disease and certain kinds of cancer are significantly higher in men than women. Life expectancy in men is also on the shorter end of the stick so medical experts tell us. Women on the average usually live several years longer than their male soul mates has long been a known fact.

Here are a few simple guidelines to help your man in the health arena, and if you are a man reading this, read on for some simple guidelines to help you get healthier and hopefully live longer.

Have a talk: Start with a simple question. Do you want to be around for your child's high school graduation or for your grandchild's college graduation? If the man in question does not have children, then simply say, for the most part, everyone wants to live a long life in general, and even those who don't think about it expect most of their future years will be healthy ones.

The attitude: More often than not, men behave like their favorite fictional character, performing risky behaviors that are perpetuated in film and television. Ever watch the old episodes of Gunsmoke? Do you notice how Matt Dillon gets shot, but always recovers, and it is the other guys who get killed. Matt Dillon lives on and on and on. It is not truly like this in real life where nothing can stop the good guy from all his noble tasks in life. In real life, the good guys have to live healthy daily before they can go on and on and on.

Preventative measures: You first need to know what might be wrong. Compile a comprehensive family medical history that includes parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, cousins, grandparents and great grandparents. On a routine complete physical exam, doctors need to know this information. It helps them get a more complete snap shot about you. Just take time to write it all down and have it in hand when you go to your doctor. Simple as that. Keep a copy of it for yourself.

Be good to yourself: A huge amount of physical sorrows can be prevented, alleviated or cured by doing things we all need we should do. Those simple things in a list look something like this:

  1. Have regular check-ups
  2. Eat right
  3. Supplement your diet with the correct supplements, but don't overdo it.
  4. As Jane Fonda puts it, "keep moving." 20 minutes per day of aerobic exercise is a good rule to follow. It can make a tremendous difference not only in a man's health, but also in how good he feels otherwise.
Introduce your man to Life's Abundance Holistic Supplements. Their protein drinks make excellent before or after exercise quick boosts to the system. Their mineral and antioxidant drink is the best "sport's drink" I ever drank. I usually take it along with me to the Y and drink it as I am doing a work out, or if I go for a walk outside, I always take my Life's Abundance Mineral and Antioxidant drink with me. And days I don't exercise, like right now, as I sit here writing this article, I have my Life's Abundance Mineral and Antioxidant drink sipping on it as I type. I drink one per day regardless of what I do. They taste great. Cherry is my favorite flavor. In fact, Life's Abundance offers a bundle of superior supplement products you need to introduce to your man. You can get a bundle in the protein flavor of vanilla or chocolate. I am featuring the Vanilla Bundle here:

Life's Abundance Vanilla Bundle Nutritional Supplements

 Open yourself up to a whole new way of embracing health! Our Nutrition Supplement Bundles offer amazing convenience, cost savings and a means to kick start your wellness regimen.

This pack showcases all six of our incredible health-promoting products. Each carefully formulated supplement features ingredients selected for efficacy, potency ... even great flavor! Clean living has never been simpler.

Renew your commitment to a healthier, happier tomorrow by making health a habit with our full line-up of nutritional supplements today!

  • Vanilla Flavor Plant Protein
  • Minerals & Antioxidants, Cherry or Tropical Fruit Flavor
  • Greens Blend
  • Probiotic
  • Multivitamin
  • Fish Oil Capsules
Once you implement all the above guidelines in your man's life, he should be well on his way to becoming healthier and living longer.

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Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All health concerns should be addressed by a qualified health care professional. The article content is offered as a resource for healthier lifestyles. 

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