One of the cornerstones to good health is to achieve and maintain optimal body weight. It can be one of the greatest challenges you ever attempt to achieve. However, with persistence and some knowledge of what to eat and what not to eat optimal body weight can be achieved and maintained. It can be tempting to try the latest diets and dabble in crash diets trying hard to get that weight off rapidly. Don't be deceived. Nothing worth gaining is achieved so quickly. Take your time and realize crash dieting is just as dangerous for your health as carrying the extra pounds.
(above photo: William Banting:. He popularized one of the first weight loss diets in the 19th century)
(above photo: William Banting:. He popularized one of the first weight loss diets in the 19th century)
What are some of the forms of crash diets?
- long periods of fasting
- going on an extreme restricted liquid diet of soup or juice cutting calorie intake to around 800 calories per day
It is possible to lose weight rapidly on crash diets, but try these only if medically supervised and with carefully formulated meals. The biggest concern with crash diets are:
- can you keep the weight off once you stop the diet and remain healthy
A successful weight loss plan includes "keeping the weight off," while still maintaining good health. Unless you have a realistic diet strategy your chances of long term success with any crash diet is very limited.
A crash diet can be extremely disappointing. The quick fix that comes from the crash diet is not effective or sustainable for long term weight maintenance and optimal body composition. There is no real investment in learning new habits and substituting old habits of eating improperly for new habits of eating properly.
Fact is you do need to reduce calories to lose weight, however, just eating fewer calories from low quality foods is not a good long term fix. Always substitute a higher quality food for the low quality food. For example, instead of eating a pastry for breakfast to get a sweet fix. Try adding a warm lemon drink mixed with some raw honey. Add any other favorite fruit as a sweet side.
Check the calories on that pastry against a freshly squeezed lemon and one other kind of fruit. The other fruit can be a banana or dark cherries or strawberries. Mix up a quick smoothie some favorite fruits. If you are a donut or pastry lover, try treating yourself just once a week or even once a month so you don't feel deprived of a favorite treat.
Throughout your day continue substituting healthy foods for unhealthy foods. Your calorie intake will decrease dramatically.
Check the calories on that pastry against a freshly squeezed lemon and one other kind of fruit. The other fruit can be a banana or dark cherries or strawberries. Mix up a quick smoothie some favorite fruits. If you are a donut or pastry lover, try treating yourself just once a week or even once a month so you don't feel deprived of a favorite treat.
Throughout your day continue substituting healthy foods for unhealthy foods. Your calorie intake will decrease dramatically.

What should you do?
- adopt a healthy overall eating pattern with calories you need as well as good nutrition
- improve the quality of your diet with increases in fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, yogurt and fish
- avoid soda, sugary or artificially sweetened
- avoid sugary sports and energy drinks
Lose fat, not muscle. It is not all about just losing weight on the scales. You want to make your body a metabolically active calorie-burner. You can't build muscles that help you burn calories effectively without enough daily protein. Increase your daily protein by eating quality whole foods as well as the Life's Abundance Plant Protein Powder mix.
Life's Abundance Plant Protein Mix is 100% grain-free, plant-based protein powder is a nutrient-rich blend of clean, high-quality proteins including pea, chia, pumpkin, hemp and quinoa.
At only 100 calories, it contains 14 grams of high-quality protein in every serving. For comparison, one-half of a boneless chicken breast, cooked is about 13 grams of protein and 115 calories.
Life’s Abundance Plant Protein is absolutely delicious and you can feel great about drinking it every day, because each and every ingredient was carefully chosen for its quality and safety.
While other protein powders use sunflower oil, we decided not to use this oil because it is high in omega-6 fatty acids, a fat that is much too prevalent in the American diet. Our Life’s Abundance Plant Protein contains non-GMO coconut oil powder, which is a great source of beneficial fatty acids that are easily absorbed. In addition, this health-promoting oil adds to the delicious taste and smooth texture of our blend.
Life’s Abundance Plant Protein is ideal for pre or post workouts, breakfast or whenever you need a healthy boost of energy from protein or a quick on-the-go snack.
With a superior taste and texture, it mixes easily with water into a silky smooth, rich and satisfying shake. Add to smoothies, pancakes, baked goods, oatmeal and more for a delicious way to increase protein.
At only 100 calories, it contains 14 grams of high-quality protein in every serving. For comparison, one-half of a boneless chicken breast, cooked is about 13 grams of protein and 115 calories.
Life’s Abundance Plant Protein is absolutely delicious and you can feel great about drinking it every day, because each and every ingredient was carefully chosen for its quality and safety.
While other protein powders use sunflower oil, we decided not to use this oil because it is high in omega-6 fatty acids, a fat that is much too prevalent in the American diet. Our Life’s Abundance Plant Protein contains non-GMO coconut oil powder, which is a great source of beneficial fatty acids that are easily absorbed. In addition, this health-promoting oil adds to the delicious taste and smooth texture of our blend.
Life’s Abundance Plant Protein is ideal for pre or post workouts, breakfast or whenever you need a healthy boost of energy from protein or a quick on-the-go snack.
With a superior taste and texture, it mixes easily with water into a silky smooth, rich and satisfying shake. Add to smoothies, pancakes, baked goods, oatmeal and more for a delicious way to increase protein.
What should you do?
- reduce calorie intake by substituting bad food choices with good food choices for optimum health
- maintain a daily exercise routine
- incorporate weight training into your exercise program at least two times per week
- get adequate protein daily for your gender
Exercise alone will not do the trick either. Some people think they can eat just whatever they want so long as they work it all off at the gym. Regular exercise is good for overall health. Most people are unable to rely upon vigorous exercise routines to lose weight. One reason is it is very difficult to burn enough calories with exercise alone to lose weight. Your best bet is to learn how to eat as healthy as you can and combine your healthy eating patterns with regular physical activity.
One healthy alternative to drinking those sugary sports and energy drinks is to swap them out for the Life's Abundance Minerals and Antioxidant drinks. These drinks are:
- Non GMO
- Gluten free
- Vegan
- Soy free
- Dairy free
- Naturally flavored
- No added sugar
- No artificial flavors
- No artificial colors
- No artificial preservatives
Give yourself a drink with the bonus of helping you achieve your daily fruits and vegetables with NO added sugar.
This unique mix is made with a variety of freshly harvested sea vegetables and contains approximately 74-plant based, naturally chelated, trace minerals. For an additional nutritional boost, it also contains antioxidants from 11 nutrient-rich super fruits like acai, cranberry, goji, maqui and pomegranate ... making this a high ORAC beverage blend. ORAC stands for oxygen radical absorbance capacity and it's a way of measuring the antioxidant level, which is important because antioxidants are essential to good health.
Once you have eaten as many whole vegetables and fruits you can, you can supplement your diet with Life's Abundance Greens Blend.
Life's Abundance Greens Blend is low in calories and nourishes your body with a blend of raw, certified-organic grasses plus certified, organic mushrooms.
Our organic raw greens are grown in glacial soil and cut at peak harvest before the jointing stage, so you're getting the best quality greens. Because they are raw, they retain more nutrients than cooked greens.
To boost this formula’s nutrient value, we added a certified organic blend of reishi, maitake, and shitake mushrooms to provide a vegetarian source of iron and B vitamins, and also a great source of phytonutrients and antioxidants.
Life’s Abundance Greens Blend has a delicious-yet-subtle berry flavor and silky smooth texture. It mixes easily with water or into your favorite smoothie. It is one of the best tasting GMO-free greens blends on the market and leaves no "grassy" aftertaste.
At only 25 calories per serving, this nutrient dense supplement is a simple way to help you consume the recommended 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
Our organic raw greens are grown in glacial soil and cut at peak harvest before the jointing stage, so you're getting the best quality greens. Because they are raw, they retain more nutrients than cooked greens.
To boost this formula’s nutrient value, we added a certified organic blend of reishi, maitake, and shitake mushrooms to provide a vegetarian source of iron and B vitamins, and also a great source of phytonutrients and antioxidants.
Life’s Abundance Greens Blend has a delicious-yet-subtle berry flavor and silky smooth texture. It mixes easily with water or into your favorite smoothie. It is one of the best tasting GMO-free greens blends on the market and leaves no "grassy" aftertaste.
At only 25 calories per serving, this nutrient dense supplement is a simple way to help you consume the recommended 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
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Join the Life's Abundance Team and start helping pets and humans live longer, healthier lives while at the same time earning extra income or full time income.
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If you become impressed with our products, just wait until you hear about our income opportunity. You might be surprised to learn that you can earn a substantial income from selling our health-promoting products for pets and humans. There's never been a more exciting time to sign-up as a Life's Abundance Field Representative. With new product releases on the horizon, you will find more ways to reach new customers and net serious wages. It is an opportunity that will keep you engage with other people in a "helping" kind of way.
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LET'S GET STARTEDIf you become impressed with our products, just wait until you hear about our income opportunity. You might be surprised to learn that you can earn a substantial income from selling our health-promoting products for pets and humans. There's never been a more exciting time to sign-up as a Life's Abundance Field Representative. With new product releases on the horizon, you will find more ways to reach new customers and net serious wages. It is an opportunity that will keep you engage with other people in a "helping" kind of way.
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