That old belly fat sure makes it harder to fit into your clothes. A more important reason to get rid of belly fat is for good health. When you pinch up fat on your belly that sits just below the skin you are pinching up "subcutaneous fat." Deeper within the belly is visceral abdominal fat. Visceral abdominal fat is our main health enemy. Visceral fat usually increases in both men and women as they age. There are 3 things that play a significant role in how much belly fat you develop. They are:

- your exercise level (helps to bust belly fat)
- types of foods you eat (either increases or decreases belly fat, depending upon what you eat)
- energy balance
About a decade ago our experts thought body fat was only storage for energy. Today, they know visceral fat cells are busy producing inflammatory molecules and other substances that interfere with insulin, the hormone for blood sugar control and fat storage.
According to experts the more visceral fat you have increases your risk for metabolic issues such as insulin resistance and alterations in blood fats (triglycerides and cholesterol). It is unclear to scientists which comes first, the increased visceral abdominal fat or a change in your body's metabolic health promoting the extra belly fat.
One of the earliest drivers of visceral abdominal fat is excess fat synthesis and accumulation in the liver, which is referred to as "fatty liver." Fatty liver grows from eating more calories than you need as well as from eating high intake of simple sugars, refined carbohydrate, trans fat and alcohol.
On the flip side, adequate intake of polyunsaturated fats like fatty fish sources (salmon, sardines, etc.) and canola, corn, soybean and peanut oils when eating within a calorie-controlled eating plan APPEARS protective against fatty liver.
Conclusion: If you have a long history of eating the wrong foods, you most likely will end up with a fatty liver problem.
On the flip side, adequate intake of polyunsaturated fats like fatty fish sources (salmon, sardines, etc.) and canola, corn, soybean and peanut oils when eating within a calorie-controlled eating plan APPEARS protective against fatty liver.
Conclusion: If you have a long history of eating the wrong foods, you most likely will end up with a fatty liver problem.
Fatty liver disease is then associated with:
- high triglycerides
- insulin resistance
- pre-diabetes
- type 2 diabetes
What can you do to address excess visceral fat (bust belly fat) and the problems associated with it?
- lose excess weight gradually
- combine your weight loss program with healthier eating patterns
- beware of rapid weight loss or fad diets that can lead to loss of lean muscle
- if your are currently at a healthy weight, avoid gaining excess weight (best way to avoid metabolic disease)
- eat a diet rich in colorful vegetables, fruits and whole grains as is in the Mediterranean-style or DASH diet plans
- eat more nuts, fish, legumes, olive oil
- use moderate amounts of alcohol, red wine preferably
- limit sweets
- limit red and processed meats
- eat whole grains, 2 to 3 servings per day
- skip the sugary drinks (use water, tea, coffee without added sugar and Life's Abundance Minerals and Antioxidant drinks instead)
Help cut your belly fat by using the Life's Abundance Minerals and Antioxidant drinks daily as one alternative to the sugary drinks in your diet. You can substitute one 16 ounce sugary drink with the Life's Abundance Minerals and Antioxidant drink and give yourself more nutrition at the same time.
This unique mix is made with a variety of freshly harvested sea vegetables and contains approximately 74-plant based, naturally chelated, trace minerals. For an additional nutritional boost, it also contains antioxidants from 11 nutrient-rich super fruits like acai, cranberry, goji, maqui and pomegranate ... making this a high ORAC beverage blend. ORAC stands for oxygen radical absorbance capacity and it's a way of measuring the antioxidant level, which is important because antioxidants are essential to good health.
Americans are deficient in minerals. In fact, way back in 1936, the Department of Agriculture told congress that 99% of the population was deficient. Regrettably, there are many more recent studies confirming varying amounts of mineral deficiencies in our diet, mainly due to their depletion in our soil.
We need minerals! Vitamins cannot work properly without them and they are absolutely vital to maintain our mental and physical well being. Since the body cannot manufacture minerals, they must come from our diet.
We need minerals! Vitamins cannot work properly without them and they are absolutely vital to maintain our mental and physical well being. Since the body cannot manufacture minerals, they must come from our diet.
Unlike many liquid water enhancers made from chemicals, our formula is made with coconut water and aloe vera and it does not contain any added sugar, artificial flavors, colors or preservatives. The organic coconut water replaces electrolytes plus it is alkalizing, which helps to restore a natural pH balance in the body and counters the effects of an acidic diet.
Instead of giving you a sugar crash like most other “health” drinks, our Minerals & Antioxidants mix gives you sustained energy.
Give hydration a boost with Life’s Abundance Minerals & Antioxidants. In two delicious flavors, Cherry and Tropical Fruit, pour into a water bottle for a convenient, go-anywhere nutritious drink. Take it to the gym or give a bottle to the kids … it’s delicious, refreshing and nourishing!
Instead of giving you a sugar crash like most other “health” drinks, our Minerals & Antioxidants mix gives you sustained energy.
Give hydration a boost with Life’s Abundance Minerals & Antioxidants. In two delicious flavors, Cherry and Tropical Fruit, pour into a water bottle for a convenient, go-anywhere nutritious drink. Take it to the gym or give a bottle to the kids … it’s delicious, refreshing and nourishing!
Add the Life's Abundance Minerals and Antioxidants drink mix to your daily diet along with all the other healthy tips in this articles and you will be well on your way to "busting belly fat," which will help you fit into your clothes better as well as ward off life threatening disease. It takes doing it all, not just one change, but making all the healthy changes mentioned in this article to "bust belly fat."
If it seems overwhelming, make a few changes at a time. I have been struggling with getting healthier for years now. It took me a long, long time to get into a regular routine of exercise and I am still working on it.
When I added the Life's Abundance Minerals and Antioxidant drink to my schedule, I started with a few each week and now I am happily consuming one 16 ounce drink per day. I did see changes in my belly fat and my overall feelings of well being just by making this one additional change in my daily health promoting to do list. Anytime you go from unhealthy foods to healthy foods, you should make your unhealthy changes to the healthier changes gradually so you don't give your body a sudden jolt. Trust me, the Life's Abundance Minerals and Antioxidant drink is a very healthy alternative to any of the sugary drinks, even healthier than just plain water.
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Join the Life's Abundance Team and start helping pets and humans live longer, healthier lives while at the same time earning extra income or full time income.
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If you become impressed with our products, just wait until you hear about our income opportunity. You might be surprised to learn that you can earn a substantial income from selling our health-promoting products for pets and humans. There's never been a more exciting time to sign-up as a Life's Abundance Field Representative. With new product releases on the horizon, you will find more ways to reach new customers and net serious wages. It is an opportunity that will keep you engage with other people in a "helping" kind of way.
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LET'S GET STARTEDIf you become impressed with our products, just wait until you hear about our income opportunity. You might be surprised to learn that you can earn a substantial income from selling our health-promoting products for pets and humans. There's never been a more exciting time to sign-up as a Life's Abundance Field Representative. With new product releases on the horizon, you will find more ways to reach new customers and net serious wages. It is an opportunity that will keep you engage with other people in a "helping" kind of way.
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