Thursday, July 19, 2018

Women Do Not Have To Settle For Weight Gain As A Part Of Getting Older

It seems as though most women gain weight as they age. This is
not a necessary part of getting older. You can take steps to
prevent weight gain or lose what you have already gained through
proper diet and exercise. It is never too late.

Women gain about a pound a year during the perimenopause period
(the years just before menopause. However, changing hormone
levels are not necessarily the cause of weight gain. In this
article read how some simple tips to help you get rid of the
unwanted pounds or stop them dead in their tracks. You don't
want extra weight to carry around while taking care of your
business of "living."

Review below some of the possible causes for this weight gain:

• Exercising less
• Eating more
• Burning fewer calories
• Genetic factors may also play a role in weight gain

Excess weight can lead to serious health problems that include
but are not limited to:

• Increased risk of high cholesterol
• Increased risk of high blood pressure
• Increased risk to insulin resistance

All of the above can lead to type 2 diabetes as well as heart
disease and stroke. There is also evidence that suggest weight
gain during the menopausal years increases breast cancer risk.

Women who lose weight after menopause can reduce their risk of
breast cancer by 20 percent. By contrast, women who gain in
excess of 20 pounds after menopause increase their breast cancer
risk by nearly 20 percent.

You can prevent or reverse weight gain at any age. The
techniques for maintaining healthy weight at any age are the
same. Eat healthy, nothing in excess and keep moving. It is
never too late to begin a healthy lifestyle, and lose unwanted,
unhealthy pounds.

An effective approach to losing weight after menopause includes:

• Aerobic exercises that will boost your metabolism and help you
burn fat. Strength training exercises increases muscle mass,
boost your metabolism and strengthens your bones.

• In addition to traditional aerobic exercise routines you can
spend time doing the things you love that keep you moving such
as gardening and dancing.

• Reduce calorie intake. Eat less of the foods you normally
consume each day. Be careful not to cut back too drastically or
it will make shedding extra pounds harder. Due to slower
metabolism as you get older you need about 200 fewer calories a
day. Try eating before you actually become hungry, smaller
portions, several times a day. A good rule to follow is not to
let more than 5 hours go by without fueling your body with
something nutritious. You should have 3 meals per day, 2 snacks
and a bedtime snack. Fill up on fruits and vegetables; give
yourself a little protein and healthy fat for each snack and

• Decrease dietary fat. Emphasize fats from healthy sources like
nuts, olive, canola and peanut oils.

• Drink 8 eight ounces of water per day

The single most important factor for maintaining a healthy body
composition, which translates into more lean muscle mass and
less body fat, is:

• Increased physical activity that includes strength training

If you apply these few simple tips it should be enough to get
you started on either keeping the weight off as you age or
losing those pounds you have put on while taking care of the
business of life otherwise.

Source: Mayo Clinic, and personal knowledge.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is not intended to
replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care
provider. Please consult your health care provider for advice
about a specific medical condition and/or before you begin any
kind of exercise routine. 

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